The European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs. We currently have 140 regular and supporting members from 21 countries with 142
choirs and sub ensembles, 3 music ensembles (2 orchestras, 1 big band), 1 regional choir association. 5,500 singers and musicians are represented in our choirs and ensembles. 49 are tenor/bass ensembles, 22 are soprano/alto and 71 soprano/alto/
tenor/bass, look to us for support and leadership.
We promote art, culture, and understanding between nations, staging choral singing events with participants from many European nations.
We maintain an up-to-date list of LGBTQ+ Choirs in Europe and publish events being run by these Choirs locally, and encourage people to go and support the events.
We connect new LGBTQ+ Choirs with more experienced ones so that they can avoid some of the pitfalls of starting a new Choir.
We are actively supporting the development of LGBTQ+ Choirs in Eastern Europe, where in many countries to be LGBTQ+ is considered a crime, and people are persecuted.
We work for the emancipation of LGBTQ+ individuals in Europe and combat discrimination against these groups.
Donate for LGBTIQ* in Ukraine
Munich Kiev Queer
LEGATO supports the two fundraising campaigns set up by Munich Kiev Queer.
1) From the alliance Queere Nothilfe Ukraine, in which many LGBTIQ* Human Rights organisations in Germany are involved, such as the LSVD, Quarteera, WostoQ-Regenbogen, Queer Amnesty, Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, Trans*Recht, Aktionsbündnis gegen Homophobie, Schwulenberatung Berlin, AllOut and Munich Kyiv Queer itself.
Register of Addresses of LGTBQ+ choirs throughout Europe
(will be sent by mail on request).
Calendar with dates of all performances of the choirs.
Publication of the member's newsletter, LEGATO News.
Contact with partner organizations like GALA (The Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses).
Organization of regular delegates meetings.
LEGATO funds itself through the membership fee of the member choirs.
This fee is thirty euros (€ 30,00) per choir and year.
Bank account: LEGATO E. V.
Bank name: VR Bank Main-Kinzig-Buedingen eG
IBAN: DE83 5066 1639 0002 2572 20